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My name is Jesse Smith. I’m 22 years old, and I’m a Tim Horton’s employee, designer, and full time movie buff. I’m currently in my second year of the Graphic Design program at Georgian College. I was born at Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital to my mother, Debbie Luksa, and my father, Thomas Smith. I’ve grown up my whole life in a small town named Keswick, which is just across the lake from barrie. I went to three different elementary schools (Jersey PS, Lake Simcoe PS, Fairwood PS) throughout my childhood, was homeschooled from grade seven to grade nine, and then attended high school at Keswick’s only public high school, Keswick High School.


After completing high school, I  applied, and was accepted, to the Fundamentals of Art & Design program at Georgian College. After completing that course, I was directly accepted into the Graphic Design course in 2013. In January of 2015, after having completed my first year in the course as well as half of the second semester of my second year in the course, I was diagnosed with Leukaemia and was forced to drop out of the course. After a year of battling that specific trial in my life, I am now back at it, trying to complete these last three semesters that will hopefully lead me into a fulfilling life as a graphic designer.


I am fluent in quite a few different design tools, but for a more in depth look at my abilities you can take a look at my resume below.

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